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Snap elections were held yesterday in Bulgaria in which the European People’s Party (EPP) member GERB finished first with 33% of the vote, twice the number of votes gathered by the socialists. EPP President Joseph Daul congratulated GERB and its President Boyko Borissov:
“The Bulgarian people have entrusted GERB and its leader Boyko Borissov to be at the helm of the country. I would like to warmly congratulate my good friend Boyko Borissov on his victory well ahead of the socialists.
Only an EPP-led government by GERB and Boyko Borissov can undertake the necessary reforms to bring to Bulgaria the political stability necessary to set the conditions for economic growth and prosperity for the citizens. I am convinced that Boyko Borissov will succeed in forming a centre-right coalition government that will be able to meet these challenges.
I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate the Reformist Bloc, and especially EPP member parties UDF and DSB which took part and achieved a good result.
I am looking forward to continuing to work with Boyko Borissov and to personally congratulating him at the next EPP Summit on 23 October.” 

Note to editors:
The EPP is the largest and most influential European-level political party of the centre-right, which currently includes 78 member-parties from 39 countries, the Presidents of the European Commission and the European Council, 11 EU and 6 non-EU heads of state and government and the largest Group in the European Parliament.

For more information:
Kostas Sasmatzoglou, EPP Spokesman, Tel. +32-2-2854147
Javier Jiménez, EPP Director of Press and Communications, Tel. +32-475480446